In her groundbreaking book, based on her popular blog Escape from Cubicle Nation, Slim explores both the emotional issues of leaving the corporate world and the nuts and bolts of launching a business. Drawing on her own career, as well as stories from her coaching clients and blog readers, Slim will help readers weigh their options, and make a successful escape if they decide to go for it.
Escape From Cubicle Nation From Corporate Prisoner To Thriving Entrepreneur
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I never set out to be a writer or speaker. After being a management consultant for 10 years in Silicon Valley, I felt called to a new mission: helping unhappy corporate employees start successful businesses. I started my blog, Escape from Cubicle Nation, in 2005, with the intention of sharing useful content that would attract ideal coaching clients. Little did I know that it would blow up and attract my publisher, Penguin/Portfolio, who asked me to write a book of the same title.I was very passionate about the topic of my book, so speaking became a great way to connect with larger audiences and inspire them to give entrepreneurship a chance.
The @Google team welcomes Pamela Slim to Google's Mountain View office on August 2, 2010 to discuss her book, "Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur." She is introduced by Jenny Blake."The creative destruction of the world economy in the last two years has brought plenty of angst, but also a refreshing alternative to traditional employment. No longer tethered to one job configuration (employee, entrepreneur, contractor), people are finding creative ways to weave passions and interests into their work."
In her groundbreaking book, based on her popular blog Escape from Cubicle Nation, Slim explores both the emotional issues of leaving the corporate world and the nuts and bolts of launching a business.
Six years ago, Pam started, a blog for corporate employees who aspire to start their own business. This was a change in direction from the first ten years of her corporate consulting business, and she had to learn an entirely new way to connect with her audience and sell coaching services over the web.
Today's New York Times has a glowing review of True North, by Bill George (Former CEO of Medtronic, a Jim Collins "Good to Great" leader, and now a Professor at Harvard Business School teaching leadership), with help from Peter Sims. The book is based on interviews with 125 other leaders and executives like Starbuck's Howard Schultz and Xerox's Ann Mulcahy. These cases -- in combination with George's accomplishments -- show that leaders who create humane organizations that really care about their people and their customers -- and don't just view them as units that exist for the purposes of extracting "as much economic value as possible" every minute of every day -- not only can thrive financially, they do it in such a way that people can travel through their days with dignity. And as George shows with his cases of successful leaders, they can also have a life outside of work.
Fernandez, Juan Antonio and Underwood, Laurie. China entrepreneur: voices of experience from 40 international business pioneers. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley; 2009. 336p $24.95. ISBN 9780470823217.Call Number: HD62.5 .F47 2009 (Library West)
Slim, Pamela. Escape from cubicle nation: from corporate prisoner to thriving entrepreneur. New York: Portfolio; 2009. 340 p $25.95. ISBN 9781591842576.Call Number: HB615 .S62 2009 (Library West)
Skillen, James. The nation's largest landlord: the Bureau of Land Management in the American West. Lawrence, Kan: University Press of Kansas; 2009. 297 p $39.95. ISBN 9780700616718 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD243.W38 S55 2009 (Library West)The nature of marketing: marketing to the swarm as well as the herdBrymer, Chuck. The nature of marketing: marketing to the swarm as well as the herd. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. p. cm $34.95. ISBN 9780230203365.Call Number: HF5415.127 .B79 2009 (Library West, On Order)Nerds on Wall Street: math, machines, and wired marketsLeinweber, David. Nerds on Wall Street: math, machines, and wired markets. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. xlvi, 353 p $39.95. ISBN 9780471369462 (cloth).Call Number: HG4515.95 .L43 2009 (Library West)Neuro Web design: what makes them click?Weinschenk, Susan M. Neuro Web design: what makes them click? Indianapolis: New Riders; 2009. p $24.99. ISBN 9780321603609.Call Number: HF5415.12615 .W45 2009 (Library West)The new American economy: the failure of Reaganomics and a new way forwardBartlett, Bruce R. The new American economy: the failure of Reaganomics and a new way forward. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 266 p $28.00. ISBN 0230615872. 0230101003.Call Number: HC106.8 .B3749 2009 (Library West, On Order)A new brand of business: Charles Coolidge Parlin, Curtis Publishing Company, and the origins of market researchWard, Douglas B. A new brand of business: Charles Coolidge Parlin, Curtis Publishing Company, and the origins of market research. Philadelphia: Temple University Press; 2009. p. cm %54.50. ISBN 9781439900154 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HF5415.2 .W29 2009 (Library West, On Approval)New industries from new places: the emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and IndiaGregory, Neil F; Nollen, Stanley D, and Tenev, Stoyan. New industries from new places: the emergence of the software and hardware industries in China and India. Stanford, Calif, Washington, D.C: Stanford Economics and Finance/Stanford University Press. World Bank; 2009. xvii, 255 p $25.95. ISBN 9780821364789 (World Bank pbk.). 0821364782 (World Bank pbk.). 9780821377840 (electronic). 0821377841 (electronic). 9780821377857 (World Bank hardback). 082137785X (World Bank hardback). 9780804762809 (Stanford University Press hardback). 0804762805 (Stanford University Press hardback). 9780804762816. 0804762813.Call Number: HD9696.63.C62 G74 2009 (Library West)A new new deal: how regional activism will reshape the American labor movementDean, Amy B and Reynolds, David B. A new new deal: how regional activism will reshape the American labor movement. Ithaca: Cornell University Press; 2009. 275 p $29.95. ISBN 9780801448386 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD8066 .D42 2009 (Library West)The new sSilk Road: how a rising Arab world is turning away from the West and rediscovering ChinaSimpfendorfer, Ben. The new sSilk Road: how a rising Arab world is turning away from the West and rediscovering China. Basingsoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 202 p $39.95. ISBN 9780230580268.Call Number: HF3762 .Z7 C675 2009 (Library West)NGOs and corporations: conflict and collaborationDoh, Jonathan P. and Yaziji, M. NGOs and corporations: conflict and collaboration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p $39.99. ISBN 9780521686013.Call Number: (Library West, On Approval)Nice work if you can get it: life and labor in precarious timesRoss, Andrew. Nice work if you can get it: life and labor in precarious times. New York: New York University Press; 2009. p. cm $27.95. ISBN 9780814776292 (cl : alk. paper). 0814776299 (cl : alk. paper). 9780814776353 (e-book : alk. paper). 0814776353 (e-book : alk. paper) (NYU series in social and cultural analysis.Call Number: HF5382.55 .R67 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Online marketing heroes: interviews with 25 successful online marketing gurusMiller, Michael. Online marketing heroes: interviews with 25 successful online marketing gurus. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Technology Pub; 2009. p. cm $24.99. ISBN 9780470242049 (cloth).Call Number: HF5415.1265 M554 2009 (Library West, On Order)Option spread strategies: trading up, down, and sideways marketsSaliba, Anthony J; Corona, Joseph C, and Johnson, Karen E. Option spread strategies: trading up, down, and sideways markets. 1st ed. New York: Bloomberg Press; 2009. p. cm $39.95. ISBN 9781576602607 (alk. paper).Call Number: HG6042 .S245 2009 (Library West, On Approval)The orange code: how ING Direct succeeded by being a rebel with a causeKuhlmann, Arkadi; Philip, Bruce, and MyiLibrary. The orange code: how ING Direct succeeded by being a rebel with a cause. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2009. xvi, 252 p electronic resource. ISBN 9786611837044.Call Number: HG2613.W724 I545 2009eb (MyiLibrary)The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Woodward, Richard. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY: Routledge; 2009. xx, 156 p $26.95. ISBN 9780415371971 (hbk.). 041537197X (hbk.). 9780415371988 (pbk.). 0415371988 (pbk.). 9780203875773. 020387577X (Global institutions: Global institutions series.Call Number: HC241 .W66 2009 (Library West)The organization of the future 2:visions, strategies, and insights on managing in a new eraHesselbein, Frances; Goldsmith, Marshall, and Leader to Leader Institute. The organization of the future 2:visions, strategies, and insights on managing in a new era. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2009. xx, 348 p $29.95. ISBN 0470185457 (cloth). 9780470185452 (cloth).Call Number: HD58.8 .O72842 2009 (Library West)The origins of English financial markets: investment and speculation before the South Sea bubbleMurphy, Anne L. The origins of English financial markets: investment and speculation before the South Sea bubble. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p $99.00. ISBN 9780521519946.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Our lot: how real estate cam to own usKatz, Alyssa. Our lot: how real estate cam to own us. New York: Bloomsbury; 2009.278 p. ISBN 9781596914797 ($26.00. Call Number: (Library West, On Order)The Oxford handbook of business ethicsBrenkert, George G and Beauchamp, Tom L. The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. cm $150.00. ISBN 9780195307955 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HF5387 .O95 2009 (Library West, On Approval)The Oxford handbook of critical management studiesAlvesson, Mats; Bridgman, Todd, and Willmott, Hugh. The Oxford handbook of critical management studies. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 582 p $150.00. ISBN 9780199237715 (alk. paper) (Oxford handbooks in business and management.Call Number: HD31 .O937 2009 (Library West)The Oxford handbook of economic inequalitySalverda, Wiemer; Nolan, Brian, and Smeeding, Timothy M. The Oxford handbook of economic inequality. New York: Oxford uUversity Press; 2009. 736 p $150.00. ISBN 9780199231379.Call Number: HB523 .O9 2009 (Library West)The Oxford handbook of international businessRugman, Alan M. The Oxford handbook of international business. 2nd ed. $150.00Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. xix, 857 p $150.00. ISBN 9780199234257. 0199234256 (Oxford handbooks.Call Number: HF1379 .O996 2009 (Library West)The Oxford handbook of organizatonal well-beingCartwright, Susan and Cooper, Cary L. The Oxford handbook of organizatonal well-being. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. xi, 602 p $150.00. ISBN 9780199211913. 0199211914.Call Number: HD7261 .O945 2009 (Library West)The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economicsKincaid, Harold and Ross, Don. The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 670 p $150.00. ISBN 9780195189254.Call Number: HB72 .O95 2009 (Library West)Palgrave handbook of econometrics; vol. 2, applied econometricsPatterson, Kerry. Palgrave handbook of econometrics; vol. 2, applied econometrics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 1388 p $150.00. ISBN 9781403917997.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Past due: the end of easy money and the renewal of the American economyGoodman, Peter S. Past due: the end of easy money and the renewal of the American economy. 1st ed. New York: Times Books; 2009. x, 336 p $25.00. ISBN 9780805089806. 0805089802.Call Number: HC106.83 .G66 2009 (Library West)Pay for results: aligning executive compensation with business performanceMercer (Firm). Pay for results: aligning executive compensation with business performance. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. 241 p ISBN 9780470183908 (cloth).Call Number: HD4965.2 .P39 2009 (Library West)Performance appraisal: expert solutions to everyday challengesPerformance appraisal: expert solutions to everyday challenges. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. p. cm $9.95. ISBN 9781422128831 (pbk. : alk. paper) (Pocket mentor series.Call Number: HF5549.5.R3 P454 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Pioneering portfolio management: an unconventional approach to institutional investmentSwensen, David F. Pioneering portfolio management: an unconventional approach to institutional investment. 2nd ed ed. New York: Free Press; 2009. p. cm $35.00. ISBN 9781416544692. 1416544690.Call Number: HG4529.5 .S94 2009 (Library West, On Order)Piracy: the intellectual property wars from Gutenberg to GatesJohns, Adrian. Piracy: the intellectual property wars from Gutenberg to Gates. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press; 2009. p. cm $35.00. ISBN 9780226401188 (cloth : alk. paper). 0226401189 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: K1401 .J645 2009 (Library West, On Order)Planet water: investing in the world's most valuable resourceHoffmann, Stephen J. Planet water: investing in the world's most valuable resource. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. 352 p $39.95. ISBN 9780470277409 (cloth).Call Number: HD1691 .H64 2009 (Library West)Playbooks and checkbooks: an introduction to the economics of modern sportsSzymanski, Stefan. Playbooks and checkbooks: an introduction to the economics of modern sports. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2009. 225 p $29.95. ISBN 9780691127507 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: GV716 .S993 2009 (Library West)Plunder and blunder: the rise and fall of the bubble economyBaker, Dean. Plunder and blunder: the rise and fall of the bubble economy. Sausalito, CA: PoliPointPress; 2009. ix, 170 p ISBN 9780981576992 (pbk.). 0981576990.Call Number: HG181 .B25 2009 (Library West, On Order)The political economy of the World Bank: the early yearsAlacevich, Michele. The political economy of the World Bank: the early years. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press; 2009. 197 p $29.95. ISBN 9780804760652 (cloth). 9780804760669 (paper).Call Number: HG3881.5.W57 A4213 2009 (Library West)The political economy of the world trading systemHoekman, Bernard M. The political economy of the world trading system. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. cm ISBN 9780199553778 (pbk.). 9780199553761 (hardback).Call Number: (Library West, On Approval)The politics of food supply: U.S. agricultural policy in the world economyWinders, William. The politics of food supply: U.S. agricultural policy in the world economy. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2009. p. cm $55.00. ISBN 9780300139242 (hardcover : alk. paper) (Yale agrarian studies.Call Number: HD9006 .W56 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Poorly made in China: an insider's account of the tactics behind China's production gameMidler, Paul. Poorly made in China: an insider's account of the tactics behind China's production game. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2009. 241 p $24.95. ISBN 9780470405581 (cloth).Call Number: HD9736.C62 M53 2009 (Library West)Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on $2 a dayCollins, Daryl. Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on $2 a day. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2009. ix, 283 p $29.95. ISBN 9780691141480 (hardcover : alk. paper). 0691141487 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HC79.P6 .P67 2009 (Library West)Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on two dollars a dayCollins, Daryl. Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on two dollars a day. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2009. p. cm $29.95. ISBN 9780691141480 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HC79.P6 .P67 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Power and interdependence in organizationsTjosvold, Dean and Knippenberg, Barbara van. Power and interdependence in organizations. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. 377 p $39.99. ISBN 9780521878593.Call Number: HM791 .P69 2009 (Library West)The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the worldHeifetz, Ronald A; Grashow, Alexander, and Linsky, Martin. The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9781422105764 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HD57.7 .H3995 2009 (Library West, On Approval)The Princeton encyclopedia of the world economyReinert, Kenneth A; Rajan, Ramkishen S; Glass, Amy Jocelyn, and Davis, Lewis S. The Princeton encyclopedia of the world economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2009. p. cm $250.00. ISBN 9780691128122 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HF1373 .P75 2009 (Library West, Reference)Private equity finance: rise and repercussionsMorgan, Jamie. Private equity finance: rise and repercussions. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. p. cm $95.00. ISBN 9780230207103 (alk. paper).Call Number: HG4751 .M74 2009 (Library West, On Order)The provocative Joan Robinson the making of a Cambridge economist:Aslanbeigui, Nahid and Oakes, Guy. The provocative Joan Robinson the making of a Cambridge economist. Durham NC: Duke University Press; 2009. 302 p $23.95. ISBN 9780822345213 (cloth : alk. paper). 9780822345381 (pbk. : alk. paper) (Science and cultural theory.Call Number: HB103.R63 A85 2009 (Library West)Public relations campaignsSheehan, Mark and Robina Xavier. Public relations campaigns. New York: Oxford University press; 2009.240 p. ISBN 9780195559101 ($49.95. Call Number: HD59 .P83 2009 (Library West)Public relations for the new EuropeMorris, Trevor and Goldsworthy, Simon. Public relations for the new Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. p. cm $45.00. ISBN 9780230205833.Call Number: HD59 .M647 2009 (Library West, On Order)Punched-card systems and the early information explosion, 1880-1945Heide, Lars. Punched-card systems and the early information explosion, 1880-1945. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2009. p. cm $65.00. ISBN 9780801891434 (hardcover : alk. paper). 0801891434 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HF5548 .H387 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Putting the public back in public relations: how social media is reinventing the aging business of PRSolis, Brian and Breakenridge, Deirdre. Putting the public back in public relations: how social media is reinventing the aging business of PR. Upper Saddle River, N.J: FT Press; 2009. 314p $22.99. ISBN 0137150695 (hardback : alk. paper).Call Number: HD59 .S65 2009 (Library West)Qfinance: the ultimate resourceQfinance: the ultimate resource. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; 2009. 2160 p $250.00. ISBN 9781849300001.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Racial integration in corporate America, 1940--1990Delton, Jennifer A. Racial integration in corporate America, 1940--1990. Cambridge, UK, New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. 313 p $24.99. ISBN 9780521515092 (hardback). 9780521730808 (pbk.).Call Number: HD4903.5.U58 D55 2009 (Library West)The real business of IT: how CIOs create and communicate business valueHunter, Richard and Westerman, George. The real business of IT: how CIOs create and communicate business value. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 218 p $35.00. ISBN 9781422147610 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HD30.2 .H864 2009 (Library West)Real estate and the financial crisis: how turmoil in the capital markets is restructuring real estate financeDowns, Anthony and Urban Land Institute. Real estate and the financial crisis: how turmoil in the capital markets is restructuring real estate finance. Washington, D.C: Urban Land Institute; 2009. viii, 202 p $29.95. ISBN 9780874201192. 0874201195.Call Number: HD255 .D69 2009 (Library West, On Order)Real estate development and investment: a comprehensive approachPeca, Stephen P. Real estate development and investment: a comprehensive approach. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. 208 p $85.00. ISBN 9780470223086 (cloth) (Wiley finance series.Call Number: HD1390 .P43 2009 (Library West)Real options in theory and practiceGuthrie, Graeme A. Real options in theory and practice. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 414 p $89.95. ISBN 9780195380637 (alk. paper) (Financial Management Association survey and synthesis series.Call Number: HG6042 .G88 2009 (Library West)Reflections on character and leadershipKets de Vries, Manfred F. R. Reflections on character and leadership. Chichester, England, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. 343 p $29.95. ISBN 9780470742426 (cloth).Call Number: HD57.7 .K483 2009 (Library West)Relationship banker: Eugene W. Stetson, Wall Street, and American business, 1916-1959Hunt, James L. Relationship banker: Eugene W. Stetson, Wall Street, and American business, 1916-1959. Macon, Ga: Mercer University Press; 2009. p. cm $35.00. ISBN 9780865549159 (hbk : alk. paper). 086554915X (hbk : alk. paper).Call Number: HG2463.S63 H86 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Remade in China: foreign investors and institutional change in ChinaWilson, Scott Howard. Remade in China: foreign investors and institutional change in China. Oxford, NewYork: Oxford University Press; 2009. 290 p $65.00. ISBN 9780195388312 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HF1604 .W55 2009 (Library West)Replicating dreams: a comparative study of Grameen bank and its replication, Kashf Foundation, PakistanSyed, Nabiha. Replicating dreams: a comparative study of Grameen bank and its replication, Kashf Foundation, Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press; 2009. xiii, 138 p $19.95. ISBN 9780195476521.Call Number: (Library West)The representation of business in English literaturePollard, Arthur and Liberty Fund. The representation of business in English literature. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund; 2009. p. cm $12.00. ISBN 9780865977587 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: PR149.B87 R46 2009 (Library West, On Order)Researching operations managementKarlsson, Christer. Researching operations management. New York: Routledge; 2009. xiii, 322 p $55.00. ISBN 9780415990554 (hbk : alk. paper). 0415990556 (hbk : alk. paper). 9780415990561 (pbk : alk. paper). 0415990564 (pbk : alk. paper). 9780203886816 (ebook). 020388681X (ebook).Call Number: HD30.4 .R478 2009 (Library West)Restoring financial stability: how to repair a failed systemAcharya, Viral V and Richardson, Matthew. Restoring financial stability: how to repair a failed system. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. 401 p $49.95. ISBN 9780470499344 (cloth) (Wiley finance series.Call Number: HG181 .R37 2009 (Library WestThe return of depression economics: and the crisis of 2008Krugman, Paul R. The return of depression economics: and the crisis of 2008. W. Norton & Company: New York; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9780393071016 (hardcover).Call Number: HB3716 .K77 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Reverse mergers and other alternatives to traditional IPOsFeldman, David N and Dresner, Steven. Reverse mergers and other alternatives to traditional IPOs. 2nd ed. New York: Bloomberg Press; 2009. 279 p $79.95. ISBN 9781576603406 (alk. paper).Call Number: HG4028.S7 F45 2009 (Library West)Rich the rise and fall of American wealth cultureSamuel, Larry. Rich the rise and fall of American wealth culture. New York: Amacom; 2009. 401 p $24.95. ISBN 9780814413623. 0814413625.Call Number: HC110.W4 S26 2009 (Library West)Riches among the ruins: adventures in the dark corners of the global economySmith, Robert P and Zheutlin, Peter. Riches among the ruins: adventures in the dark corners of the global economy. New York: American Management Association; 2009. ix, 243 p $24.95. ISBN 9780814410608. 081441060X.Call Number: HG5993 .S65 2009 (Library West)The rise of mutual funds: an insider's viewFink, Matthew P. The rise of mutual funds: an insider's view. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 320 p $34.95. ISBN 9780195336450 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HG4530 .F527 2009 (Library West)The road to financial reformation: warnings, consequences, reformsKaufman, Henry. The road to financial reformation: warnings, consequences, reforms. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. 260 p ISBN 9780470532126 (cloth).Call Number: HG173 .K3644 2009 (Library West)The romantic economist imagination in economicsBronk, Richard. The romantic economist imagination in economics. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. 382p $85.00. ISBN 9780521513845 (hd). 9780521735155 (pbk).Call Number: HB71 .B7786 2009 (Library West)Rugman reviews international businessRugman, Alan M. Rugman reviews international business. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 322p $39.95. ISBN 9780230221253.Call Number: HD2755.5 .R83568 2009 (Library West)Rules for the global economySiebert, Horst. Rules for the global economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2009. 272 p $49.50. ISBN 9780691133362 (alk. paper).Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Russian renewable energy: the potential for international cooperationØverland, Indra and Kjærnet, Heidi. Russian renewable energy: the potential for international cooperation. Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub; 2009. p. cm $99.95. ISBN 9780754679721 (hardback : alk. paper). 9780754699293 (ebook).Call Number: HD9502.A4 O82 2009 (Library West, On Order)Sage handbook of human resource managementWilkinson, Adrian. Sage handbook of human resource management. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications; 2009. p. cm $140.00. ISBN 9781412928298 (hardcover).Call Number: (Library West, On Order)The Sage handbook of management learning, education and developmentArmstrong, Steven J. The Sage handbook of management learning, education and development. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications; 2009. 568 p $140.00. ISBN 9781412935395 (hardcover).Call Number: HD30.4 .S235 2009 (Library West)The Sage handbook of organizational research methodsBuchanan, David A. The Sage handbook of organizational research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Pub; 2009. 738 p $140.00. ISBN 9781412931182.Call Number: HD30.4 .S252 2009 (Library West)The sages: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Paul Volcker, and the maelstrom of marketsMorris, Charles R. The sages: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Paul Volcker, and the maelstrom of markets. 1st ed. New York, NY: PublicAffairs; 2009. 201 p $23.95. ISBN 9781586487522 (hardcover).Call Number: HG4521 .M8447 2009 (Library West)Saving globalization: why globalization and democracy offer the best hope for progress, peace and developmentMoore, mike. Saving globalization: why globalization and democracy offer the best hope for progress, peace and development. Singapore: John Wiley; 2009. 293 p $29.95. ISBN 9780470825037.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)The science and art of brandingFranzen, Giep and Moriarty, Sandra E. The science and art of branding. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe; 2009. xii, 575 p $99.95. ISBN 9780765617903 (cloth). 0765617900 (cloth).Call Number: HF5415.1255 .F73 2009 (Library West)Seeing the elephant: understanding globalization from trunk to tailMarber, Peter. Seeing the elephant: understanding globalization from trunk to tail. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. xxiv, 420 p $27.95. ISBN 9780470283851 (cloth).Call Number: HF1359 .M363 2009 (Library West)Shadow of the racketeer: scandal in organized laborWitwer, David Scott. Shadow of the racketeer: scandal in organized labor. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; 2009. p $30.00. ISBN 9780252076664.Call Number: (Library West, On Approval)The shift: the transformation of today's marketers into tomorrow's growth driversDavis, Scott M. The shift: the transformation of today's marketers into tomorrow's growth drivers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2009. 236 p $34.95. ISBN 9780470388389 (cloth).Call Number: HF5415 .D377 2009 (Library West)Shipping strategy: innovating for successLorange, Peter. Shipping strategy: innovating for success. Cambridge; new York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p ISBN 9780521761499.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)The silver lining: an innovation playbook for uncertain timesAnthony, Scott D. The silver lining: an innovation playbook for uncertain times. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 210 p $25.00. ISBN 9781422139011 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HD45 .A68 2009 (Library West)Simply effective: how to cut through complexity in your organization and get things doneAshkenas, Ronald N. Simply effective: how to cut through complexity in your organization and get things done. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 214 p $27.95. ISBN 9781422181140 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD58.9 .A84 2009 (Library West)Skilled immigration today: prospects, problems, and policiesHanson, Gordon H; Bhagwati, Jagdish N, and Hanson, Gordon. Skilled immigration today: prospects, problems, and policies. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 402 p $49.95. ISBN 9780195382433 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD6300 .S55 2009 (Library West)Skirts in the boardroom: a woman's survival guide to success in business and in lifeEvans, Marshawn. Skirts in the boardroom: a woman's survival guide to success in business and in life. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9780470383339 (cloth).Call Number: HD6054.3 .E93 2009 (Library West, On Order)A smart energy policy: an economist's Rx for balancing cheap, clean, and secure energyGriffin, James M. A smart energy policy: an economist's Rx for balancing cheap, clean, and secure energy. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2009. 193 p $35.00. ISBN 9780300149852 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD9502.U52 G75 2009 (Library West)Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make moneyEstes, Jonathan. Smart green: how to implement sustainable business practices in any industry and make money. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. 202 p ISBN 9780470387795 (cloth).Call Number: HD30.255 .E84 2009 (Library West)Smart growth policies: an evaluation of programs and outcomesIngram, Gregory K. Smart growth policies: an evaluation of programs and outcomes. Cambridge, Mass: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; 2009. p. cm $35.00. ISBN 9781558441903.Call Number: HT167 .S53 2009 (Library West, On Order)The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business successSafko, Lon and Brake, David. The social media bible: tactics, tools, and strategies for business success. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. 821 p $29.95. ISBN 9780470411551 (pbk.).Call Number: HF5415.1265 .S24 2009 (Library West)Social psychology of consumer behaviorWþnke, Michaela and MyiLibrary. Social psychology of consumer behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press; 2009. ix, 396 p electronic resource. ISBN 9786611994181 (Frontiers of social psychology: Frontiers of social psychology.Call Number: HF5415.32 .S596 2009eb (MyiLibrary)SocialCorp: social media goes corporatePostman, Joel. SocialCorp: social media goes corporate. New Riders Publishing; 2009. 195 p $29.99. ISBN 9780321580085. 0321580087 (Voices that matter.Call Number: HD30.3 .P67 2009 (Library West)Spent: sex, evolution, and consumer behaviorMiller, Geoffrey. Spent: sex, evolution, and consumer behavior. New York: Viking; 2009. 374 p $26.95. ISBN 9780670020621. 0670020621.Call Number: HB801 .M493 2009 (Library West)Spin-free economics: a no-nonsense, nonpartisan guide to today's global economic debatesBehravesh, Nariman. Spin-free economics: a no-nonsense, nonpartisan guide to today's global economic debates. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2009. xiv, 369 p $27.95. ISBN 007154903X (hardcover). 9780071549035 (hardcover).Call Number: HF1359 .B42 2009 (Library West, On Order)Squeezed: what you don't know about orange juiceHamilton, Alissa. Squeezed: what you don't know about orange juice. New Haven: Yale University Press; 2009. p. cm $30.00. ISBN 9780300124712 (hardcover : alk. paper) (Yale agrarian studies series.Call Number: HD9348.5.O723 H35 2009 (Library West)Stakeholder politics: social capital, sustainable development, and the corporationBoutilier, Robert. Stakeholder politics: social capital, sustainable development, and the corporation. Stanford,Calif: Stanford University Press; 2009. p. cm $32.95. ISBN 9780804763035 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD60 .B68 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Staley: the fight for a new American labor movementAshby, Steven K and Hawking, C. J. Staley: the fight for a new American labor movement. Urbana: University of Illinois Press; 2009. 358 p $25.00. ISBN 9780252034374 (cloth : alk. paper). 9780252076404 (pbk. : alk. paper) (The working class in American history.Call Number: HD6508 .A758 2009 (Library West)Start-up nation: the story of Israel's economic miracleSenor, Dan; Singer, Saul, and Council on Foreign Relations. Start-up nation: the story of Israel's economic miracle. 1st ed. New York: Twelve; 2009. 304 p $26.99. ISBN 9780446541466.Call Number: HC415.25 .S455 2009 (Library West, On Order)Start your own green businessMintzer, Richard and Entrepreneur Press. Start your own green business. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Press; 2009. 194 p $17.95. ISBN 9781599183398.Call Number: HD9999.G772 S73 2009 (Library West)Stealing MySpace: the battle to control the most popular website in AmericaAngwin, Julia. Stealing MySpace: the battle to control the most popular website in America. New York: Random House; 2009. 384 p $27.00. ISBN 9781400066940 (alk. paper).Call Number: HD9696.8.U64 M973 2009 (Library West, On Order)The story of American business: from the front pages of the New York timesKoehn, Nancy F. The story of American business: from the front pages of the New York times. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 432 p $29.95. ISBN 9781591396833 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HF3021 .S76 2009 (Library West, On Order)Strategic customer management: strategizing the sales organizationPiercy, Nigel and Lane, Nikala. Strategic customer management: strategizing the sales organization. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. cm $49.95. ISBN 9780199544509.Call Number: HF5415.5 .P54 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Strategic leadership: theory and research on executives, top management teams, and boardsFinkelstein, Sydney; Hambrick, Donald C, and Cannella, Albert A. Strategic leadership: theory and research on executives, top management teams, and boards. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 463p $49.95. ISBN 9780195162073 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD57.7 .F5559 2009 (Library West)Strategy for sustainability: a business manifestoWerbach, Adam. Strategy for sustainability: a business manifesto. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 226 p $25.00. ISBN 9781422177709 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HD30.28 .W388 2009 (Library West)Strategy without design: the silent efficacy of indirect actionChia, Robert C. H and Holt, Robin. Strategy without design: the silent efficacy of indirect action. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p. cm $90.00. ISBN 9780521895507.Call Number: HD30.28 .C4953 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Street fighters: the last 72 hours of Bear Stearns, the toughest firm on Wall StreetKelly, Kate. Street fighters: the last 72 hours of Bear Stearns, the toughest firm on Wall Street. New York: Portfolio; 2009. viii, 247 p $25.95. ISBN 9781591842736.Call Number: HG4930.5 .K45 2009 (Library West)Streetlights and shadows: searching for the keys to adaptive decision makingKlein, Gary A. Streetlights and shadows: searching for the keys to adaptive decision making. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2009. xi, 337 p $27.95. ISBN 9780262013390 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: BF448 .K54 2009 (Library West)Succession are you ready?Goldsmith, Marshall. Succession are you ready? Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. xvii, 110 p $18.00. ISBN 9781422118238 (hardcover : alk. paper). 1422118231 (hardcover : alk. paper) (Memo to the CEO.Call Number: HD38.2 .G63 2009 (Library West)Superfreakonomics: global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, and why suicide bombers should buy life insuranceLevitt, Steven D and Dubner, Stephen J. Superfreakonomics: global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, and why suicide bombers should buy life insurance. 1st ed ed. New York: William Morrow; 2009. 320 p $29.99. ISBN 9780060889579 (acid-free paper). 0060889578 (acid-free paper).Call Number: HB74.P8 L4797 2009 (Library West, On Order)Technological foundations of cyclical economic growth: the case of the United States economyEdmonson, Nathan. Technological foundations of cyclical economic growth: the case of the United States economy. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers; 2009. xi, 358 p $59.95. ISBN 9781412810128. 1412810124.Call Number: HC110.T4 E36 2009 (Library West)Theory of the firm for strategic management: economic value analysisBecerra, Manuel. Theory of the firm for strategic management: economic value analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009. p. cm $48.00. ISBN 9780521863346 (hardback). 9780521681940 (pbk).Call Number: HD30.28 .B43 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Think twice: harnessing the power of counterintuitionMauboussin, Michael J. Think twice: harnessing the power of counterintuition. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 190 p $29.95. ISBN 9781422176757 (hbk : alk. paper).Call Number: HD30.23 M377 2009 (Library West)This is social media :tweet, blog, link and post your way to business successClapperton, Guy. This is social media :tweet, blog, link and post your way to business success. New York: Wiley; 2009. p. cm $19.95. ISBN 9781906465704 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HF5415.1265 .C577 2009 (Library West, On Order)This time is different: eight centuries of financial follyReinhardt, Carmen M and Rogoff, Kenneth. This time is different: eight centuries of financial folly. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2009. ISBN 9780691142166.Call Number: (Library West, Forthcoming Order)To serve God and Wal-Mart: the making of Christian free enterpriseMoreton, Bethany. To serve God and Wal-Mart: the making of Christian free enterprise. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press; 2009. p. cm $27.95. ISBN 9780674033221 (alk. paper).Call Number: HF5429.215.U6 M67 2009 (Library West)Too big to fail: the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financila system - and themselvesSorkin, Andrew Ross. Too big to fail: the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financila system - and themselves. New York: Viking; 2009. 357 p ISBN 9780670021253.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Too good to be true:the rise and fall of Bernie MadoffArvedlund, Erin. Too good to be true:the rise and fall of Bernie Madoff. New York: Portfolio; 2009. 310 p $25.95. ISBN 9781591842873.Call Number: HV6692.M33 A78 2009 (Library West, On Order)Top talent: keeping performance up when business is downHewlett, Sylvia Ann. Top talent: keeping performance up when business is down. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 136 p $18.00. ISBN 9781422140420 (hardcover : alk. paper) (Memo to the CEO.Call Number: HF5549.5.R58 H49 2009 (Library West)Total engagement: how games and virtual worlds will change the way we workReeves, Byron and Read, J. Leighton. Total engagement: how games and virtual worlds will change the way we work. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 274 p $29.95. ISBN 9781422146576 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HM1086 .R44 2009 (Library West, On OrderToxic workplace!: managing toxic personalities and their systems of powerKusy, Mitchell and Holloway, Elizabeth. Toxic workplace!: managing toxic personalities and their systems of power. 1st ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2009. p. cm $27.95. ISBN 9780470424841 (cloth).Call Number: HF5549.5.E42 K87 2009 (Library West, Pending Order)Toy monster: the big, bad world of MattelOppenheimer, Jerry. Toy monster: the big, bad world of Mattel. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9780470371268 (cloth).Call Number: HD9993.T694 M386 2009 (Library West, On Order)The transatlantic economy 2009: annual survey of jobs, trade, and investment between the United States and EuropeHamilton, Daniel S and Quinlan, Joseph P. The transatlantic economy 2009: annual survey of jobs, trade, and investment between the United States and Europe. Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations; 2009. xi, 132 p $22.50. ISBN 9780980187168. 0980187168.Call Number: HF1456.5.E8 H362 2008 (Library West)Transforming toxic leadersGoldman, Alan. Transforming toxic leaders. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press; 2009. 155 p $24.95. ISBN 9780804758284 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HD57.7 .G6639 2009 (Library West)The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy: an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world tradeRivoli, Pietra. The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy: an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2009. 316 p $18.95. ISBN 9780470287163 (pbk.).Call Number: HD9969.S6 R58 2009 (Library West)Treasures of the earth: need, greed, and a sustainable futureAli, Saleem H. Treasures of the earth: need, greed, and a sustainable future. New Haven, London: Yale University Press; 2009. 289 p $30.00. ISBN 9780300141610 (alk. paper).Call Number: HC79.C6 A42 2009 (Library West)Trump University real estate 101: building wealth with real estate investmentsEldred, Gary W and Trump University. Trump University real estate 101: building wealth with real estate investments. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. xvi, 300 p $24.95. ISBN 9780470455821 (cloth). 0470455829 (cloth) (Trump University series: Trump University series.Call Number: HD255 .E37528 2009 (Library West)Twitter power: how to dominate your market one tweet at a timeComm, Joel. Twitter power: how to dominate your market one tweet at a time. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley; 2009. 245 p $24.95. ISBN 9780470458426 (cloth).Call Number: HF5415.1265 .C646 2009 (Library West)Two centuries of compensation for U.S. production workers in manufacturingOfficer, Lawrence H. Two centuries of compensation for U.S. production workers in manufacturing. New York, N.Y: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 224 p $115.00. ISBN 023061566X.Call Number: HD4975 .O44 2009 (Library West)The two trillion dollar meltdown: easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crashMorris, Charles R. The two trillion dollar meltdown: easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash. Rev and updated ed. New York: PublicAffairs; 2009. 208 p $13.95. ISBN 9781586486914. 1586486918.Call Number: HG4910 .M667 2008b (Library West)U.S. corporate governanceChew, Donald H and Gillan, Stuart L. U.S. corporate governance. New York: Columbia University Press; 2009. 357 p $40.00. ISBN 9780231148566 (cloth : alk. paper). 9780231148573 (pbk. : alk. paper). 9780231519984 (e-book).Call Number: HD2741 .U22 2009 (Library West)U.S. trade issues: a reference handbookEckes, Alfred E. U.S. trade issues: a reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO; 2009. p. cm $95.00. ISBN 9781598841992 (hard copy : alk. paper). 9781598842005 (ebook) (Contemporary world issues.Call Number: HF1455 .E35 2009 eBookUncommon sense: economic insights, from marriage to terrorismBecker, Gary S and Posner, Richard A. Uncommon sense: economic insights, from marriage to terrorism. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press; 2009. 373 p $29.00. ISBN 9780226041018 (alk. paper). 0226041018 (alk. paper).Call Number: HB71 .B435 2009 (Library West)Understanding Keynes' general theorySheehan, Brendan. Understanding Keynes' general theory. Basingstoke England, New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. xiv, 298 p $110.00. ISBN 9780230220133 (hbk.). 0230220134.Call Number: HB99.7 .S475 2009 (Library Wesst, On Order)Value-based management with corporate social responsibilityMartin, John D; Petty, J. William, and Wallace, James S. Value-based management with corporate social responsibility. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. 196 p $59.95. ISBN 9780195340389 (cloth : alk. paper) (Financial management association survey and synthesis series.Call Number: HD47.3 .M37 2009 (Library West, On Order)Value investing: tools and techniques for intelligent investmentMontier, James. Value investing: tools and techniques for intelligent investment. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2009. p. cm $39.95. ISBN 9780470683590.Call Number: HG4521 .M7866 2009 (Library West, On Order)Values-based multinational management: achieving enterprise sustainability through a human rights strategyTavis, Lee A and Tavis, Timothy M. Values-based multinational management: achieving enterprise sustainability through a human rights strategy. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press; 2009. 347 p $38.00. ISBN 9780268042349 (pbk. : alk. paper). 0268042349 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD2755.5 .T429 2009 (Library West)A vision for venture capital: realizing the promise of global venture capital and private equityBrooke, Peter A and Penrice, Daniel. A vision for venture capital: realizing the promise of global venture capital and private equity. Boston: New Ventures Press; 2009. 275 p $29.95. ISBN 9781584657996 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: HG4751 .B76 2009 (Library West)The Wall Street journal guide to starting your financial lifeBlumenthal, Karen. The Wall Street journal guide to starting your financial life. 1st ed. New York: Three Rivers Press; 2009. 316 p $14.95. ISBN 9780307407085 (pbk.).Call Number: HG179 .B56634 2009 (Library West)The Wall Street primer: the players, deals, and mechanics of the U.S. securities marketPedersen, Jason A. The Wall Street primer: the players, deals, and mechanics of the U.S. securities market. Westport, Conn: Praeger; 2009. xii, 246 p $44.95. ISBN 9780313365157 (alk. paper). 0313365156 (alk. paper).Call Number: HG4910 .P422 2009 (Library West)Wall Street revalued: imperfect markets and inept central bankersSmithers, Andrew. Wall Street revalued: imperfect markets and inept central bankers. Chichester, West Sussex, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2009. 246 p $27.95. ISBN 9780470750056.Call Number: HG4910 .S565 2009 (Library West, On Order)Wannabe u: inside the corporate universityTuchman, Gaye. Wannabe u: inside the corporate university. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press; 2009. 256 p $25.00. ISBN 9780226815299 (cloth : alk. paper). 0226815293 (cloth : alk. paper).Call Number: LB2341 .T774 2009 (Library West, On Order)Web 2.0 and beyond: understanding the new online business models, trends, and technologiesFunk, Tom. Web 2.0 and beyond: understanding the new online business models, trends, and technologies. Westport, Conn: Praeger; 2009. xviii, 172 p $34.95. ISBN 9780313351877 (alk. paper). 0313351872 (alk. paper).Call Number: HF5548.32 .F863 2009 (Library West)What works in development?: thinking big and thinking smallCohen, Jessica and Easterly, William. What works in development?: thinking big and thinking small. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press; 2009. p. cm $39.99. ISBN 9780815702825 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD75 .W485 2009 (Library West, Standing Order)Where am I wearing?: a global tour of the countries, factories, and people that make our clothesTimmerman, Kelsey. Where am I wearing?: a global tour of the countries, factories, and people that make our clothes. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9780470376546 (cloth).Call Number: HD9940.A2 T56 2009 (Library West, On Order)Where we live now: immigration and race in the United StatesIceland, John. Where we live now: immigration and race in the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2009. p. cm $19.95. ISBN 9780520257627 (cloth : alk. paper). 9780520257634 (pbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD7288.72.U5 I34 2009 (Library west, On Approval)Why David sometimes wins: leadership, organization, and strategy in the California farm worker movementGanz, Marshall. Why David sometimes wins: leadership, organization, and strategy in the California farm worker movement. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. cm $34.95. ISBN 9780195162011 (alk. paper).Call Number: HD6515.A29 G36 2009 (Library West, On Approval)Why she buys: the new strategy for reaching the world's most powerful consumersBrennan, Bridget. Why she buys: the new strategy for reaching the world's most powerful consumers. New York: Crown Business; 2009. 336 p $26.00. ISBN 9780307450388.Call Number: HC79.C6 B694 2009 (Library West)Why unions matterYates, Michael. Why unions matter. 2nd ed. New York: Monthly Review; 2009. 240 p $17.95. ISBN 9781583671900 (pbk.). 9781583671917 (cloth).Call Number: HD6508 .Y38 2009 (Library West)Winning in turbulenceRigby, Darrell. Winning in turbulence. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 146 p $18.00. ISBN 9781422139158 (hardcover : alk. paper) (Memo to the CEO.Call Number: HF5386 .R5123 2009 (Library West)Winning the loser's game: timeless strategies for successful investingEllis, Charles D. Winning the loser's game: timeless strategies for successful investing. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2009. 234 p $29.95. ISBN 9780071545495.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Winning with futures: the smart way to recognize opportunities, calculate risk, and maximize profitsThomsett, Michael C. Winning with futures: the smart way to recognize opportunities, calculate risk, and maximize profits. New York: American Management Association; 2009. p. cm $19.95. ISBN 9780814409879. 0814409873.Call Number: HG6024.A3 T478 2009 (Library West, On Order)Wired for innovation: how information technology is reshaping the economyBrynjolfsson, Erik and Saunders, Adam. Wired for innovation: how information technology is reshaping the economy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2009. 154 p $18.95. ISBN 9780262013666 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HC79.T4 .B79 2009 (Library West)Women at the top: powerful leaders tell us how to combine work and familyHalpern, Diane F and Cheung, Fanny M. Women at the top: powerful leaders tell us how to combine work and family. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. p. cm $29.95. ISBN 9781405171052 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD4904.25 .H354 2009 (Library West)Working the past: narrative and institutional memoryLinde, Charlotte. Working the past: narrative and institutional memory. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. cm $24.95. ISBN 9780195140293 (pbk. : alk. paper). 9780195140286 (hardcover : alk. paper).Call Number: HD30.3 .L545 2009 (Library West, On Order)World wide rave: creating triggers that get millions of people to spread your ideas and share your storiesScott, David Meerman. World wide rave: creating triggers that get millions of people to spread your ideas and share your stories. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2009. p $22.95. ISBN 9780470395004.Call Number: (Library West, On Order)Your next move: the leader's guide to navigating major career transitionsWatkins, Michael. Your next move: the leader's guide to navigating major career transitions. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press; 2009. 220 p $26.95. ISBN 9781422147634 (hbk. : alk. paper).Call Number: HD38.2 .W377 2009 (Library West)YouTube and video marketing: an hour a dayJarboe, Greg. YouTube and video marketing: an hour a day. 1st ed. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley Technology Pub; 2009. 474 p $29.99. ISBN 9780470459690 (pbk.). 0470459697.Call Number: HF5415.1265 .J37 2009 (Library West)Zara and her sisters: the story of the world's largest clothing retailerBadia, Enrique. Zara and her sisters: the story of the world's largest clothing retailer. Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. 300 p $39.95. ISBN 9780230229914.Call Number: (Library West, On Order) 2ff7e9595c